Welcome to our space

Here you will find a team of highly-experienced physiotherapists, working together to provide you with solutions that make sense for you.

A collaborative approach

Ou process allows for a unique interaction between professionals. One physiotherapist can draw on the clinical experience of other physios, podiatrist, chiropractor, movement specialists, neurologists, and orthopedic surgeons.
All of this happens in a cool and fun environment. A positive approach based on a good relationship with practitioners and other clients is where the healing begins.

Meet our team

Mark Seuring
Nicol Vermeulen
Claudia Mendelowitz
Nicky Loedolff
Targeted sport massaging, strength conditioning & coaching
Camilla Gerber
Practice Manager
What our clients say
Margie applied an excellent mix of active physiotherapy and guided exercises I had to perform. In addition, Margie, through her outstanding people skills, was able to bring back my positive attitude and to stimulate in me an active, cautious, positive dealing with the injury.

And today, I can run again and I am gradually increasing the level of my hiking activities.
Arthur - 11 July 2019
What our clients say
Having suffered acute back pain all my life aggravated by prolonged cancer treatment and related side effects, Mark's attention in both a professional and personal capacity is unrivalled. His knowledge of the body and ability to isolate the affected areas and release them is exceptional. I can honestly say his capability as a physio has raised the bar to a new level and would recommend him to anyone serious about their treatment .
Ariela Kuper - Founder & Director Solution Strategists Pty Ltd

Let's Chat

Give us a call or send us a WhatsApp to make an appointment.
We're looking forward to welcoming you to our space.
Copyright 2019 Mark Seuring Physiotherapy inc. All Rights Reserved
Green Point Practice no 9990720000772895